Blah Blah Blah ★ (´◕ ω ◕`)★

Life Just a game
昨日搁着的诗,串不成型的泪,冷风拂脸冻到心窝,叫醒梦中人. 而我的爱,要留给有缘的人。
— Maggie语

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Kingdom of Cambodia 4D5N-柬埔寨

Has wanted to write the travel notes, but really very lazy to writes, but ims feared very much the memory will be decomposed by the time, will take advantage when still have a  memory, comes the section to relate in detail. 1 day im just decided go to Cambodia on that day that night , had above 2000 the historical South China Peninsula country with long history, such was sudden, wanted to go to go, the friend casually is also pulled by me walked not asked that I started to look for the information, book the air ticket, planned the route, recorded the map, looked for the guest house,count the budget travel expense. Prepared all these to start from the bottom the day, had the point place at heart, was alone sets up in the orphaned forest until 1586 only then angkor wat also young Wu who discovered the elder brother, generally was considered that was world one of eight big marvelous sights, traced the element with the character phrase she calmly with US, the semblance grayish white appears very difficultly she is lonelier, I like such feeling, she did not use a nail and the cement constructs, the early ancient layer upon layer piled the rectangle stone the rampart formation to perform to carve again the goddess to go on a punitive expedition against likely with king the process, was fine when saw their wisdom sufficiently. But the neighboring country aggression, France rules adds on the civil war, is in chaos caused by war's Cambodia to estimate that possibly has 2,000,000 people to die from hunger ,the uncultivated land, the service, illness gets sick or the persecution and so on each kind of reason, until now, Cambodia people's republic obtains the stable political power gradually, has urged my visit Cambodia.

Flighting! The clouds are welcome us
 Siem Reap International Airport

飞了两个小时,就到达siem reap international airport,check out 出了机场后,在lobby看到个司机拿着写着我名字牌子,朋友和我都觉得好笑,接着一轮自我介绍,司机带我们去他的‘车’就是tuk-tuk,上了tuk-tuk,司机用不怎么标准的英文和我们问好:Wellllll.......come........tttttttoooooo.....cambbbbbodddiiia....,神经大条的我当时以为司机紧张,经朋友解说是口吃,什么!?英语不标准加口吃???我们就只有忍忍忍着别笑(汗=_=''')笑人是真的不好,但真的憋不住啊!事后我们都有惭悔,其实司机真的很好人。
two hours later, arrives siem reap international airport, check out left the airport, in lobby we saw a driver takes a sign, the friends and I thinks funnily, then one round introduces oneself, the driver leads us to go to his `vehicle ' is tuk-tuk, on tuk-tuk,On the tuk-tuk the driver started introduced himself : Wellllll ....... come ........ tttttttoooooo ..... cambbbbbodddiiia…., I was thinking driver was quite nervous at that time , after the friend mention to me is stuttering, what!?  stuttering??? We on only then endure not to smile (perspiration =_=' ' ' ) laughed to the drive is really not good, but we really cannot hold in! We had a shame and regret afterward, actually driver really very good person.

 到Mandalay Inn check in 后就要开始旅程了,拿出我的路程告诉Tour desk的人,其实我真的没耐心听他解释那么多,他讲的我早已做好资料了,就一直插嘴,怎知他要求我让他讲完.好吧老娘就给你讲!我一心只想快点出发到hot air balloon, culture villa, war museum, angkor wat,angkot thom, tonle sap, mind land museum, kulen, bayon.....
他用了10mins ‘逼‘我们听完。呼。。。旅程终于要开始了!司机还是一样,他很静都不说话,那边是没有德士只有tuk-tuk,幸亏大家都有准备面罩来隔尘.
Reach the Mandalay Inn and after check in we just want to start the journey, and im put out my distance to tell Tour desk staff, actually I really did not have the patience to listen to him to explain that many, because im already make many research, i has interrupted, how to know him to request me to let him finish. OK FINE!  I only want a bit faster to wholeheartedly to hot air balloon, culture villa, war museum, angkor wat, angkot thom, tonle sap, mind land museum, kulen, bayon .....
He used 10mins `to compel `we to listen. Shouting. . . The journey must start finally! The driver still the same, he very static and does not speak, that side does not have the taxi only got tuk-tuk, luckily everybody preparation face-mask to separate the dust. 

Has the feeling street

感觉上Combodia Culture Village 是个值得去的景点之一,里面有不同种族的模范村,地狱屋,蜡像馆等等都相当有趣。 在里面就可以消耗半天的时间了,但需要很好的脚力哦!因为范围真的很广。入门票:USD12
  Combodia Culture Village is one which  worth to visit, inside has the different race model village, the hell room, the wax figure hall and so on is quite interesting. Might consume the quite a while time  inside, but needed the very good strength of legs! Because the area is big . Enters for the admission ticket is  USD12

Me and antique musical box

Im change to superwomen

洞里萨湖Tonlé Sap,意为「巨大的淡水湖」或純粹「大湖」),又名金邊湖,位于柬埔寨境内部湖泊。乾季(12月—4月)湖水平均深度為1米,面积為2,700平方千米;雨季因湄公河回流,水深可9米,面积則擴展至16,000平方千米。因為湄公河水內含沖積物質所帶來的養份,使得湖中滋生大量的魚蝦,無論旱、雨季都出產甚豐。湖的週圍有三百萬以上人民直接或間接地以漁業為生.

Tonle Sap是最值得去的!一望无际的湖,破烂的船,超大的风加大大的浪,没有安全措施的设备,真的很惊险,加上船夫讲湖里的鳄鱼被捉完了更让我们寒上加寒。。。真的心脏不好也会被吓死啊。(幸亏老天保佑我们安全归来)
 Tonlé Sap, Italy is “giant fresh water lake” or purely “great lake”, other name gold border lake, located at Cambodian boundary interior lake. The dry season (in December - in April) the lake water average depth is 1 meter, the area is 2,700 square kilometers; Rainy season because of the Mekong River backflow, the water depth may 9 meters, the area expand to 16,000 square kilometers. Because the Mekong River water content silting alluviation material brings raises the share, causes in the lake to multiply the massive fish and shrimp, regardless of the drought, the rainy season produces really abundant. Lake periphery has 3,000,000 above the people directly or as lives indirectly take the fishery.
Tonle Sap is most is worth! The vast lake, the broken ship, the big wind & big wave, does not have the security  equipment, is really very thrilling, in addition the boatman speaks to us in the crocodile in the lake is catches and sent to Zoo . . .this topic really make me crazy!!!i can't imagine how terrible if i fall into the lake... (luckily god protection and we safe return)
觉得被蛇玩了一场的 =_='''
  been played  by the snake

 6a.m 的Angkor Wat 

Angor Wat 里庙会的情况
Angor Wat temple situation

Bayon 其中的入口处供奉的陀佛
Buddha in the Bayon entrance

Ta Prohm Temple出名的菩提树
Ta Prohm Temple

Khmer style BBQ 真的好好吃哦!
Khmer style BBQ really delicious!

Cambodia flag

Tonle Sap 水上小乞丐
Water beggar

mother peddles the thing together the child.
:) :) :)后记:

必吃:AMOK(蛋+鸡肉但味道偏甜), blue pumpkin cafe, Khmer style BBQ  和 Angkor coffee (超好喝的而且没什么咖啡因),要记得留USD20来给airport tax哦.

必去:Tonle Sap看水上人家的生活, Angkor Wat看日出, Ta Prohm Temple & Bayon看微笑的佛.


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